International Recruitment Specialist

Wallet Hub

International Recruitment Specialist
7 zile
Foarte dificil
Experiență negativă Experience negative
Nici o ofertă primită No offer
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Cum a decurs interviul?

4 hours of testing *which i managed in 2 hours,
but nevertheless total complete bullshit. Who asks a recruiter to find information about the interest rates on dozen of website. It was like they were looking for those answers and they use the labour of the applicants to finish their research.
As you will see in other testimonies, all positions applicants (either recruiter, either java developer, ) received the same 3 tests: grammar spell checking of a text about finance, excel about mathc and economical functions, pivots, and a very difficult and hard to understand set of questions about APY, interest rates, saving accounts, credit lines of a dozen websites.

Intrebări și teste la interviu

e.g.1 Read this . Based on the first formula listed on the page, calculate a checking account’s APY if the interest rate was 1.34% and it was compounded daily for one year.
e.g.2 Go to and list all types of accounts/products backed by government insurance.
Experience negative Experiență negativă
No offer Nici o ofertă primită
Feedback received Răspuns primit
Locked Search Contributions

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Wallet Hub

International Recruitment Specialist

Wallet Hub

International Recruitment Specialist
1 săptămână
Foarte dificil
Experiență negativă Experience negative
Nici o ofertă primită No offer
Răspuns primit Feedback received

Pentru a vizualiza toate informațiile te rugam să intri în contul tău

Experience negative Experiență negativă
No offer Nici o ofertă primită
Feedback received Răspuns primit