Atta Systems Atta Systems
Atta Systems

Atta Systems


39 evaluări

"Case Management in the child protection field" workshop


Atta Systems took part in the "Case Management in the child protection field" workshop organized by the Labor and Social Protection Ministry in the Republic of Moldova.

We developed and presented the first version of the Child Protection Informational System and gathered feedback and valuable information from participants. We'd like to thank and congratulate our exceptional team for doing a terrific job!

The system will centralize and digitize the collection of data related to children in risk situations, adopted children, separated from parents or kidnapped. It will greatly support the social services in The Republic of Moldova to register and monitor children as well as for specialists to offer the necessary assistance. On top, the system will provide and calculate relevant national statistical indicators, necessary in the process of decision making.

Moreover, the system will be used in case management implementation for child protection services, easing the registering and monitoring of cases, and will help address better policies in the future.

Atta Systems is grateful to contribute to the development of social services and child protection systems in the Republic of Moldova and we are looking forward to further improving the tools and software needed to support the key stakeholders and decision-makers in improving policies and support for vulnerable categories.